• Reinforcement Learning : Proximal Policy Optimization(PPO)

    In this blog, we will be digging into another reinforcement learning algorithm by OpenAI, Trust Region Policy Optimization followed by Proximal Policy Optimization. Before discussing the algorithm directly, let us understand some of the concepts and reasonings for better explanations. ON & OFF Policies : In one of the previous...

  • Page Rank Algorithm

    I generally love reading famous algorithms and the work done by others as they set the platform for the new ideas. I was recently reading about the page rank algorithm which is the base for the creation of a huge giant like Google. Though it is a very old work...

  • Multi-Head Self Attention in NLP

    In this blog, we will be discussing a recent research done by the Google Team bringing state of art results in the area of natural language processing. Till now, we have widely been using LSTMs and GRUs for the sequential data as they seem to capture better positional and semantic...

  • Reinforcement Learning : Actor-Critic Networks

    In the previous blog, we dived into the basic implementation of a deep Q-Learning Neural Network. It was a Policy-based duel- network which was used to learn the thief-police-gold game. Now, I have all of a sudden introduced two terms here, Policy-Based, Duel-Network. Policy-based methods are those which learns the...

  • Reinforcement Learning : Deep Q Networks

    In the previous two blogs, I went through the basics of Q-learning, building a simple RL Agent using q-table and creating a custom environment for our own use case. But as we keep making the environment bigger and complex, the q-table becomes bigger in size and this causes a scaling...

  • Reinforcement Learning : Creating a Custom Environment

    In the previous blog, I had gone through the training of an agent for a mountain car environment provided by gym library. But what if we need the training for an environment which is not in gym. Sometimes we will need to create our own environments. This blog is all...

  • Reinforcement Learning : Q Learning made Simple

    Recently, I started studying Reinforcement Learning and was fascinated by the potential it possesses. In this blog, we will have a quick discussion over the terms, Q-Learning and OpenAI gym library. Finally, we will be implementing a simple Q-Learning application on one of the gym environments. Let us start with...

  • Deploying a ML Model in Django

    While the trend in machine learning has grown so much nowadays, most of the data scientists are busy creating and training various machine learning models to solve different kinds of problems. How about having a nice web interface where we can deploy our model to visualise the task we have...